Archive for March 22nd, 2010

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

– Green breakfast shake with 1 cup cold water, handful fresh spinach, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1 scoop calcium/magnesium powder, the contents of 1 probiotics capsule, 1/2 tbsp each ground flax and wheat germ (150 calories)

– Steel cut oats with 2 tbsp PB2, cinnamon, and 1/2 banana (250 calories)

– 5 lettuce wraps filled with alfalfa/clover/radish/mustard sprouts and leftover Espinacas con Garbanzos, plus a few more romaine lettuce leaves and 2 mugs pomegranate green tea (400 calories)

– 2 apples and 1 mug pomegranate green tea (150 calories)

– Carrot sticks (50 calories)

– Dill pickle YumPeez and 1 mug pomegranate green tea (150 calories)

-1 bowl homemade 15-bean and potato soup, plus 1 slice multigrain bread from Stella’s Bakery, toasted and topped with Earth Balance; also 1 apple and some carob chips with PB2, a few kamut puffs and a piece of banana with NuttZo (800 calories)

– 1 glass water (0 calories)


Total calories: 1,950

Exercise: Cardio: 1 hour 10 minutes walking and 500 jumping jacks; Strength Training: 30 triceps dips, 30 leg lifts, 30 prisoner squats with calf raises, 30 bridges, 30 double-crunches, 30 supermans.

Sleep: 6.5- 7 hours