Archive for March 20th, 2010

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

– “Vegetarian Cafe Breakfast” at Stella’s Cafe (everything is house-made using local, organic ingredients): 2 soft-poached eggs, 2 slices multigrain toast with butter and jam, rosemary hashbrowns, a few slices tomato, and 1.5 mugs mint tea (700 calories)

– 1 mug green and white mint tea (0 calories)

– 1 apple with 4 tbsp PB2, 1 rice cake with NuttZo and applesauce, a small glass of unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze, and a few mouthfuls yesterday’s Espinacas con Garbanzos, plus 1 mug green and white mint tea (400 calories)

– 1 apple with smoky Gruyere cheese, a handful dry-roasted almonds, and a small glass red wine (350 calories)

– 1 glass water (0 calories)

– 2 mugs green tea and beef curry with basmati rice, homemade by the boyfriend (500 calories)


Total Calories: 1,950

Exercise: 2 hours 30 minutes walking; 3-minute arm-extended plank-hold.

Sleep: 6.5-7 hours